BHBC presents: Here I Go Again

When presented with the opportunity to read and write about Jen Lancaster’s book, I was ecstatic.  I have been reading her blog and her books for a while.  I devoured every memoir.  As you can see, some of them are on loan.  Too good not to share.


When she let her fans know that she was moving to fiction, I was skeptical.  Jen Lancaster is a humorist and a memoir author, not a fiction writer.  I am so glad I was given the opportunity to read this one!

When it arrived on my doorstep, I dove in!  As I started reading, the book started to sound a lot like her first memoir… Was she just telling her same phoenix rises from the (hilarious) ashes again?  As I kept reading, I fell further down the rabbit hole.  I couldn’t put the book down.  Lissy Ryder, the center focus of the book, has realized that her life isn’t what she wanted and after an eye opening reunion, she finds out that it is of course her own fault.  After a quick trip in time, it seems as if she has righted all of her wrongs but she soon finds out that she is the only one who came out unscathed.

This was an incredible piece of work that kept me laughing out loud.  Jen Lancaster’s books are always great and quick reads.  Reading this book was a great way to unwind after a long day at work!  If you haven’t read her books yet, it’s definitely time to get started!

I was compensated for BlogHer for my review but all opinions are my own.

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