A simple appetizer plate and a giveaway!

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to visit Fresca Foods and 34 Degrees. We got the opportunity to see the super secret process of how these ultra thin crackers are made and we were even able to try some brand new, not even available yet flavors.  If everything goes according to plan, theseContinue reading “A simple appetizer plate and a giveaway!”

Weekday Suds: You mean that Erie has a craft scene?

Up until recently, there wasn’t a lot of beer drinking to be done in Erie.  There were a few pubs and restaurants but no one was doing their own thing.  And then along came a brewery, a cidery, and barrel house is on the way!  I wasn’t feeling great so I thought stopping at theContinue reading “Weekday Suds: You mean that Erie has a craft scene?”