Monday Suds: Welcome to Loveland! Verboten and Dancing Pines

So we didn’t get the snow we planned on this weekend… I was really hoping for some real Winter weather and not the dreary weekend that we had.  Anyway, we made the best of it and heard some great music at Echo on Saturday night thanks to the Prairie Scholars!  We also hit up a brand new brewery in Loveland.  This makes 4 breweries for Loveland and I am sure there will be more!


Verboten has been open officially for a week and they were pretty busy this weekend as well!

From their site:

“Verboten means Forbidden.
According to the German Beer Purity Law, Reinheitsgebot, the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley and hops.  Anything else was “Verboten”.  Our idea is to focus on those “forbidden” ingredients in making great beers.”


We were greeted by 6 different beers that we are pretty non-traditional.  They even had a nitro porter on tap and everything was pretty good.  Angie was a great host letting us know about all of the great things they have going all already!  Her favorite beer on their menu right now is the IPA.  As they have already changed their menu since we have been in, we know that this is bound to change!


The Husband and I really enjoyed the Wit and the Wheat.  I only tried tasters this time around but I can imagine enjoying a pint of the Wit when the weather warms up.  Both were highlighted with citrus and were amazing!


One really amazed us about this place was the size!  They are brewing on a 3 barrel system in 1300 square feet!  Only 1300 square feet and plenty of beer selection.  It was incredible to walk in and see everything.  There is no hiding anything!


The next two pictures were taking from the direct center of the unit.  The brewing happens on the left and the fermenting on the right.  Despite size, they still have barrels on hand and they also make the caramel for their own Caramel Porter.



Of all of the beers, I think we liked the Angry Banjo the most.  The Husband had just brought up the idea of brewing a creme ale but we wanted to try it first.  It isn’t a common beer on the front range to find and we were happen we stumbled upon it.  Despite it’s murky appearance, it was tasty.


After Verboten, we headed across the street to Dancing Pines Distillery.  They have been around for 3 years and there was plenty to try.  I had the Dark and Stormy (one of my favorite drinks) and the Husband tried the flight.  I will definitely be sharing some cocktail recipes soon!


Have you tried anything local lately?  What have you loved?

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